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San Marco

Più Amici EP

Frieda Musik 006


It's been fairly quiet around the most bustling aunt this side of the rainbow. But once she opens her treasure trove, such pearls come out as the new Amici EP. Once more, San Marco has taken to the studio with good friends, conjuring up three completely different tracks. Together with Henry Sure, they created "Love Right" - a track perfectly suited to the morning hours. While its groove gets everyone present shaking, the psychedelic elements send your spirit off on some beautiful journeys. On a harder and more night-oriented note, "Shall we?", created jointly with Red Robin, takes us back to Warhouse Rave times, without losing the hypnotic touches Aunty Frieda is known for. Full of longing and melancholy, San Marco takes us on a deep journey to ourselves with "Bocas del Toro". "Love Right" takes its personal note from Pablo Einzig, while "Bocas del Toro" by Markus Kenel und Nico Sun enjoys some very mystical touches.


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Artist: San Marco & Henry Sure
Titel: Love Right (Original Mix)
Artist: Red Robin & San Marco
Titel: Shall We? (Original Mix)
Artist: San Marco
Titel: Bocas del Toro (Original Mix)
Artist: San Marco
Titel: Bocas del Toro (Markus Kenel & Nico Sun Spiral Mix)
Artist: San Marco & Henry Sure
Titel: Love Right (Pablo Einzig Depp Love Redoo Remix)